Building Envelops in the Design Phase

Building Enclosure
Combining 40 years of experience with the latest technology
Design your Building Enclosure
Many building owners don’t give their building envelope a second thought, until unwanted water and other signs of deterioration appear. At Wapiti Inspections, we offer experience & guidance for both commercial and residential building enclosures and envelopes.
We investigate envelope/enclosure failure on existing buildings
We offer project management for restoration
Every building enclosure comprises the roof, foundation, exterior walls, and all windows and doors. The enclosure is meant to protect against the elements, including moisture and temperature control. But design deficiencies, poor workmanship, or acts of Nature can result in structural failure. Many times there has been no oversight during construction, or any inspections afterward.
We employ infrared thermography and dedicated software to help determine the causes of failure. If your building has leaks, mold or rot, we’ll provide the information and strategies you need to start the repair process.
Rot inside a wall (often noticed during a repair for a different issue)
During our years of work on building enclosure restoration, we’ve seen many reasons for failure. Rain is often the culprit, but moisture that penetrates the building exterior or is trapped within the envelope can be due to a variety of reasons, including condensation, glass and material finish failures. The dramatic temperature changes from day to day in Alberta can also lead to cracking and component separation.
Our Process
Our commitment to you begins with a detailed inspection of your building. Our report on our findings includes our recommendations for restoration and a detailed budget. We also offer project management to complete your restoration.
Our Services
Third Party Quality Assurance Obersvations
Roof Inspections
Building Envelope Leak Investigations
Envelope Restoration Services
Balcony Integrity Investigation/Restoration
Storm Damage Assessment Services
Assessment & Planning
Detailed Inspections
Infrared Thermography
Restoration Scope
Project Management
Specification preparation
Tender meetings
Contractor Review
Contractor Award
Contract Preparation
Restoration & Quality Assurance
Project Lead
Pre-start meeting with contractors
Regular on-site inspections
Final Inspections
Sign off on restoration
Contract Administration
CC/DC (Construction contracts documents Canada)
Submittal Management
Invoice Management
Warranty Management
Ready to take the next step?
Contact us today to find out how Wapiti Inspections can help your building’s enclosure.